DC Comics Proudly Announces 'Represent!'; Digital Comics from Underrepresented Voices.

The new digital series features personal stories from underrepresented voices. You can read the first issue for free!

(Image Credit : DC)

DC Comics Proudly announced Represent, a digital comic book series that gives an artistic platform to creators from groups that are underrepresented in major titles from the US comic book industry.

The series is planned for release in 2021, but the first chapter, titled "It's A Bird", is available now for free from participating digital providers, including Comixology ,Amazon Kindle ,Apple Books.

"It's A Bird" is written by Christian Cooper, the former Marvel writer And editor who made headlines earlier this year when a white woman targeted him for his race during a public argument about the woman's unleashed dog. Cooper was on a birdwatching trip; the media attention toward the studious hobby resulted in the creation of a yearly event called Black Birders Week. Cooper is joined by penciler Alitha E. Martinez (Riverdale), inker Mark Morales (All-Star Batman), colorist Emilio Lopez (Mosaic), and letterer Rob Clark Jr (Brightest Day).


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