Batman: A BRUTAL Fight Shows Why [SPOILER] Is Ready to Return to Gotham.
Batman and the Outsiders #16 just showed why one Gotham Knight is ready to return to Gotham City with a brutal fight.
(WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Batman & the Outsiders #16, by Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini and Clayton Cowles, available now.)
In the DC Universe, Batman's Robins have always had quite a few different labels. Dick Grayson's usually seen as the most reliable, Jason Todd is considered the most rebellious, Tim Drake is the smartest detective and Damian Wayne may well be the deadliest. But in battle, the most brutal has always been Cassandra Cain.
Given her assassin's background, Cassandra Cain has struggled with the urge to kill, arguably even more than Damian. And for a while, Bruce tried to refine her out of being a weapon. As his most brutal junior, it seems Batman and the Outsiders #16 may have just paved the way for her return to Gotham, possibly as Batgirl, thanks to an epic beatdown.
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